The Future of Entertainment

UX Research
Key Lime Interactive
Project Type
UX Research
Project Year
Spring 2023


For this project, I worked with Key Lime Interactive, a customer experience and user experience research, strategy and design services agency, in order to conduct research into the future media and entertainment industry and determine theoretical implementations for upcoming technologies. This project primarily focused on in-person events such as concerts or festivals. For this project, I started off by researching how technologies were being used in current in-person events and identifying possible technologies that could impact this scene in the future. I then narrowed the scope to primarily focus on VR and AR concepts. With this lens I was able to identify current problem areas in concert settings then begin to ideate on potential solutions involving VR and AR. I documented problems and documentations, then selected AR glasses and wristbands to move further with and create low-fi and mid-fi prototypes. The wristband and glasses would project prompts throughout a concert to interact with the performer as well as monitor vitals to keep the user safe.
View Project Documentation

My Role

  • I helped to spearhead the development of the action items home page. This included layout design, proper information presentation, and asset creation.
  • I was heavily involved within the sponsor communication channel and commonly led meetings to discuss completed work.
  • I helped to create determine final designs and designate which ideas upheld the ideals and goals of Onboard

Product Mangement

My main goals for this project were to take on more of a leadership role within my group and get hands on experience within a information architecture setting. For this project I was really trying to figure out my specialization moving forward. This led my to tackle leadership and interface design. By the end of the project I think that i was leaning more towards a product management role for the future. This was decided based on my natural love for taking a bit of an organizational role and making sure that the group is moving forward.
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