Mobile Game Redesign

UX Design
Startup Computer Game Company
Project Type
UX Design
Project Year
Spring 2024 - Current


For this project, I worked with a startup mobile app company in order to refine the UI for their newly released fantasy sports app and increase downloads. I started by conducting research into the player drive factors and what leads them to come back to a game. I then conducted a comparative analysis of competitors in order to see these factors put in place. I am currently still working on this project and will be able to share more details in the future. However, due to NDA, these details will be limited.
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My Role

  • I helped to spearhead the development of the action items home page. This included layout design, proper information presentation, and asset creation.
  • I was heavily involved within the sponsor communication channel and commonly led meetings to discuss completed work.
  • I helped to create determine final designs and designate which ideas upheld the ideals and goals of Onboard

Product Mangement

My main goals for this project were to take on more of a leadership role within my group and get hands on experience within a information architecture setting. For this project I was really trying to figure out my specialization moving forward. This led my to tackle leadership and interface design. By the end of the project I think that i was leaning more towards a product management role for the future. This was decided based on my natural love for taking a bit of an organizational role and making sure that the group is moving forward.
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